Cliff Norton B.A.Hons
Cliff has been plivilege to cover some of the worlds top news stories. Now splitt his time between a rual village in Bulgaria, spending his time teaching photography and covering Stories Around UK and Europe
A career that has spanned over 25 years in the world of photography and his photographs have graced most of the worlds newspapers. During this time as a cameraman his travels have taken him to lands faraway and Cities that never sleep. Turning his lens on filmstars in airports to hotels in war torn lands, starving families around the globe. Cliff has been plivilege to cover some of the worlds top news stories and today still enjoy the job. A Founder Member of NPA and the last Member of the Small Group of Photographers from 1996 the Agency now run by Family Members.
Cliff has been plivilege to cover some of the worlds top news stories. Now splitt his time between a rual village in Bulgaria, spending his time teaching photography and covering Stories Around UK and Europe
A career that has spanned over 25 years in the world of photography and his photographs have graced most of the worlds newspapers. During this time as a cameraman his travels have taken him to lands faraway and Cities that never sleep. Turning his lens on filmstars in airports to hotels in war torn lands, starving families around the globe. Cliff has been plivilege to cover some of the worlds top news stories and today still enjoy the job. A Founder Member of NPA and the last Member of the Small Group of Photographers from 1996 the Agency now run by Family Members.